Sunday, 31 May 2015

Tidying Up

I started the day with the intention of doing some enameling work on the copper box I made a few weeks back and I did indeed do some tests with enamel flux and a couple of candidate colours, but I realised that the sheer messiness of the workshop was stopping me from getting on with things. So...I've spent quite a bit of today tidying. As a result, this is probably not the most interesting post I've ever put online, but you can now see what the workshop looks like and probably ponder just how messy it must have been if this is tidy... :)

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Sneak Preview

I've been asked to put more in this blog about the various stages of construction so here is the first in a series of 'Under Construction' posts....

This is the beginning of one side of a new piece. I started with a basic raised bowl, then took off the bottom third, inverted it and soldered it into place to give an indented look...