Sunday, 15 December 2019

Stone Setting 101

I've worked with copper and silver for many years,  but in all that time I have only very rarely worked with stone setting. Mainly I've limited my work to using amber or turquise. Although I did make a bracelet last year using a large 'slab' of Malechite.

Anyway...I was recently handed a couple of stones and asked if I could 'do something with them'.

The following pictures show the results. As always with me, a little 'clunky' and really a prototype for the fulle version to be made...'sometime in the future'.

These views show the mounts I made from silver to hold them both in a neclace which I will be finishing in the next couple of days.
For the moonstone on the left, I cut an abstract patten of holes into the mounting plate on the back of the stone. This is to allow light to pass through illuminating the core of the stone as shown in the next couple of pictures.