Sunday, 12 January 2014

In the Wake of the Christmas Project...

Well it must be clear to all that I seriously missed my self imposed target of completing a project over the Christmas holidays. However undaunted I'm pushing on to get in finished.

When we last saw the project I was mulling over the artistic merit of the copper tendrils and asked you, the legions of followers of this blog, for your input and advice. As always you responded in droves with suggestions... The net result is that I've abandoned the tendril idea and my thinking is now centering on a bug. The idea is to use repousee techniques to produce a small copper bug which will be fitted to the side of the jar to look as if all of the holes are the result of  the bug nibbling into the structure.

Here is a picture of the piece of copper with the outline of the bug hammered into it. The idea will be to progressively beat out a more rounded carapace shape by proressively working each side of the copper plate.

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