Sunday, 27 September 2015

...and finally.... The Locket Box

After some time, I think I've finally completed the Locket Box.

There's been some speculation about what this is, so I hope these pictures will clear up any questions...

Here's he finished box...or locket. There's a chain which can be fitted to allow it to be worn around the neck.

The wooden piece is the outer part of a small 'drawer' which fits inside the metal locket box;

Inside the drawer is a small silver box into which could be put a picture or keepsake...which slides...

Into the locket box.....

Until the whole drawer is hidden from view...

oh.....and by the way, the silver disc in the last update....has nothing to do with this...sorry :)

Getting There

Another 'Under Construction" sneak peak...

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Still Under Construction

Here's another mini-post just to show you where I'm going with the wooden elements of this new piece. Afer a lot of work messing around with slivers of wood, I've arrived at this...

Still a bit to go, but I think you can see the general idea...

Saturday, 19 September 2015


I'm thinking of adding in some wood to the locket box...

I've got some interesting pieces to play with. Comments greatfully received... 

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Silver Locket/Box's been a bit of time since I last posted. To be honest, the teapot (see previous posts) has been taking up a lot of my time as it requires significant sanding and filing as part of the very long process of finishing it off - the construction, the bit I like the bet is over, so it's taking me a long time to finish...


I decided I needed a break, so, since I had to be around the house a lot this weekend, I decided to get going on something new.

I decided it was going to be silver, did a bit of design brainstrorming and then began work on my new

Here's progress so far;

Starting with a flat sheet of silver, I cut a strip to form the side of the box...locket...thingy.
I formed the roughly elliptical shape through a combination of formers and digital manipulation...i.e. I bent it...
I didn't want a true ellipse so it's slightly 'flattened'

Soldering the side wall to the silver plate forms one side of the box as shown below. I cut away part of the side wall to leave a slot opening in the side.

 For a while, I toyed with putting a double hinged lid.....

......but had a couple of soldering disasters, which left me with the lid pieces, but almost melted the box I changed my design idea...

Inverting the box and placing it on another flat sheet allowed me to form the complete box;

 Then, the long process of sanding and filing to trim off the excess and start to smooth out all of the scratches my clumsiness has added during the past couple of days;

Now.....for phase 2.......which I'll start tomorrow :)