I decided I needed a break, so, since I had to be around the house a lot this weekend, I decided to get going on something new.
I decided it was going to be silver, did a bit of design brainstrorming and then began work on my new
Here's progress so far;
Starting with a flat sheet of silver, I cut a strip to form the side of the box...locket...thingy.
I formed the roughly elliptical shape through a combination of formers and digital manipulation...i.e. I bent it...
I didn't want a true ellipse so it's slightly 'flattened'
......but had a couple of soldering disasters, which left me with the lid pieces, but almost melted the box I changed my design idea...
Inverting the box and placing it on another flat sheet allowed me to form the complete box;
Then, the long process of sanding and filing to trim off the excess and start to smooth out all of the scratches my clumsiness has added during the past couple of days;
Now.....for phase 2.......which I'll start tomorrow :)
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